Well somebody has to say it but I hate the smoking ban and I am a non smoker. I hate the ban or at least parts of it for a number of reasons.
Firstly its an erosion of personal freedom. Many of my work collegues work from home. They are all smokers, yet between the hours of 9 and 5 they are banned from smoking in their own home because it is their place of work. The ban makes no allowance for where this home is, who lives there or anything. For me that is too much governmental control.
In addition I drive a company car. For 11.5 months of the year I am the only driver, however for about 2 weeks someone else may drive my car. It is this potential that prevents me from being allowed to smoke in my car. Collegues who also own company cars on the other hand are not prevented because they are the only driver. To me that is just not fair.
So I oppose the smoking ban because I see parts of it as unfair and to controlling, but what does everyone else think?
Your a facist Mc Keown... A dirty, Rotten, Right Wing, trigger happy, NRA loving, gaovernment hating, business loving, racist, (i have run out ...INSERT OWN HERE...)
More evidence of the stupidity of the ban.
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